Friday, December 2, 2011
The Mom Sponge: Friday Sales Round Up
The Mom Sponge: Friday Sales Round Up: Check out - Get cash back just for doing your holiday shopping! Plus Coupons and Special Promotions ! The one stop shop for a...
Friday Sales Round Up
Check out - Get cash back just for doing your holiday shopping! Plus Coupons and Special Promotions! The one stop shop for all your deals!
Just Some of Participating Stores!
Just Some of Participating Stores!
9.0%Cash Back!
6.0%Cash Back!
8.0%Cash Back!
5.0%Cash Back!
6.0%Cash Back!
5.0%Cash Back!
25.0%Cash Back!
6.0%Cash Back!
8.0%Cash Back!
20.0%Cash Back!
10.0%Cash Back!
2.0%Cash Back!
Monday, October 3, 2011
The Mom Sponge: My Thirty-One
The Mom Sponge: My Thirty-One: October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month in honor of that for the month of October 15% of all proceeds will go to the Susan G. Komen for the Cure.
Thirty-One Gifts offers personalized accessories for the family, such as BackPacks, Lunch bags, Totes and more.
Monday, September 5, 2011
My First Thirty-One Gift Bag
The Perfect Gift for a Baby Shower...
I made my first gift bag for my girlfriend's daughter who is having a baby. I monogrammed it with her baby-to-be's name (which she had picked out) and filled it with all the baby essentials to go. With items such as diaper cream, wipes, diapers, a couple of toys, and also put an outfit inside. Makes a GREAT gift. There was also a smaller tote bag inside that can be for mom or baby. Came out super cute and personable.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
How Can You Not Love Thirty-One?
How can you not love the company Thirty-One? Such cute bags :) So far enjoying my journey on becoming an Independent Consultant! Hosting a show on Friday, so exciting woohoo! Very supportive women trying to achieve the same success as you, so far so good. :)
Totes, bags, zipper pouches, wallets, stationary, and so much more!
Totes, bags, zipper pouches, wallets, stationary, and so much more!
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Standing By Our Core

I have to right to honor who I am, what I need, and what I can do.
I have the heart to love and support myself.
- written by Sue Patton Thoele
Friday, July 15, 2011
Has Your Kid Become the Queen of Sarcasm?

Related Articles:
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Is TV As Bad As They Say?

First thing in the morning is great as well, as it allows me to put toothpicks to keep my eyelids open and get my morning cup of joe. So as I see this email from, I had to click in to see what the experts are currently saying. After reading, I still do think at a minimum it is ok. I have to admit as a stay at home mom, it is sometimes the thing that keeps me sane :0). What do you think?
Other related links:
• | "My 1-Year-Old Loves TV!" |
• | Is TV Really That Bad? |
• | The Pros & Cons of Toddlers & Computers |
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Caylee's Law
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Dermalogica - My Favorite Skincare Line!
For those of you looking for a new skincare product or just want to try something different, I highly recommend the Dermalogica Skincare Line. I have been using this product for about 10 years now. I have just recently started using the Age Smart Line and my skin feels phenominol, extremely smooth and brighter!
Other Great Products from the Dermalogica Line!
Dermalogica Daily Microfoliant
Dermalogica Active Moist, 3.4-Fluid Ounce
Dermalogica Antioxidant Hydramist, 5.1-Fluid Ounce
The Verdict Is Out - Casey Anthony is NOT GUILTY
As many of you have probably read already, Casey Anthony was found NOT GUILTY. When I first heard about this case there was so much uncertainty and mystery to this story is was mind boggling. First, if she was not involved how could she not report her daughter missing immediately to the authorities? Then as her story started unraveling along with her bizarre behavior, there was not a doubt in my mind that she was not involved in some form.
casey anthony,
not guilty,
Monday, June 27, 2011
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Save Money on Groceries
Remember When Couponing Was Embarrassing???

Family. groceries,
grocery shopping,
mom coupons,
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Teaching Our Children How To Respond To An Emergency Situation
They say most children can be taught how to respond to an emergency situation. Would your child know how to respond? Learn how you can teach your child to respond to a variety of emergency situations that could arise. Continue Reading!
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Healthy Lunch Maker!

Learn More!
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Solving Stress-induced Sleeplessness Naturally
Sleep tips for every day
Eat and drink for sleep. Connect the dots between what and when you eat and how well you sleep — sugar, caffeine, and alcohol may be factors to consider.
Promote good sleep hygiene. Be sure your room is dark, quiet, and has comfortable bedding. Don’t allow electronics or digital clocks to “zap” you in the night.
Consider your stress and anxiety. The stress hormone cortisol is connected to our circadian rhythms. Supporting healthy cortisol balance and adrenal health may help to reset your sleep-wake cycle. Continue reading about natural solutions!
Sunday, May 8, 2011
In Honor of Mother's Day
Although there are probably many, what is the one thing you hope you can give your children as a mom for a building block to who they will become as an adult?
Monday, May 2, 2011
Feeling Overwhelmed???
What do you do when you feel overwhelmed? Do you sometimes do nothing, which makes you feel even more overwhelmed? Do you get paralyzed by the enormous task at hand? I know sometimes when you feel like a project is so big you don't know where to start, so you don't.
That feeling can be like a huge mountain sitting on your shoulders. Which would definitely explain the huge knots in my traps. After all carrying around a mountain is is extremely heavy.
My house for me is my enormous task with legs and arms that keep getting longer. So, how do I handle it? I do what every avoiding strategic mom would do, I start a different project, before I know it I have multiple projects going on. Which leads to what...the feeling of being even more overwhelmed. Living in an older house with endless projects and an economy that is sucking us dry (i.e. gas prices), what is a home owner to do?
My goal at hand is to try to be more disciplined and take one project at a time. Resist the temptation of starting another before I complete the first project. I am also going to keep in mind to be patient and start with the things that are a must do first and that I can financially afford. Remember that I will eventually get to them all, even if it does not feel like it at the moment. Maybe at that point I can stop carrying around the mountain and just stick to carrying the twins.
Check out these links too!!!
That feeling can be like a huge mountain sitting on your shoulders. Which would definitely explain the huge knots in my traps. After all carrying around a mountain is is extremely heavy.

My goal at hand is to try to be more disciplined and take one project at a time. Resist the temptation of starting another before I complete the first project. I am also going to keep in mind to be patient and start with the things that are a must do first and that I can financially afford. Remember that I will eventually get to them all, even if it does not feel like it at the moment. Maybe at that point I can stop carrying around the mountain and just stick to carrying the twins.
Check out these links too!!!
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
10 Reasons (ok, excuses) Why I Don't Like to Exercise!

* I don't like to run
* I get bored with doing the same thing every day
* I am too busy thinking how I really should be cleaning
* The classes are never at the right time
* I have twins (that has to count for something :0)
* I would totally exercise if I had someone to do it with
* I am a stay at home mom, I don't get lunch breaks
* I have to take the kids to their activities
* At night time I am too tired
I didnt say they were good excuses, haha!
10 reasons,
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Share, Grow, and Win!
Sharing is Caring! Simply share one of your favorite post from your blog, meet new friends and grow your visitor traffic, and you will be entered to win a $25 gift card. Pick a post that you think would be most interesting to read. |
Simple Rules:
1. Become a follower to my blog.
2. Give a brief description of your article and include a link to the full post. (In your comment include Share, Grow, and Win!
3. Automatically enters you to win!
The winner will be drawn and announced Tuesday, May 2nd.
* You choose where you want to spend the money. Merchants to pick from include Gap, Banana Republic, Macy's, Barnes and Noble, Pottery Barn, and many more. To View Full List of Merchants
Good Luck and Thank You for Participating!
Friday, April 15, 2011
Birth Order and Personality
What is your birth order personality? Check it out!
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
The Invasion of Clutter!

You turn around and before you know it you have been invaded by clutter. You think "how did it happen so quickly?". It is like a fast growing bacteria that multiplies and takes over your house and only moms have the special magnifying glasses to see it. Does this happen to you and what antibiotic do you use?
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Self Development Series ~ Building Confidence
What Does Your Inner Voice Say to YOU?
Are you often your biggest critic when something does not go exactly as planned? That inner voice can be a harsh sometimes. In certain situations, I find myself thinking the worst outcome before I know what it is. When I read this article, I could really relate to this woman's experience. I could see myself in the words she she was speaking.
This author used an example of a job interview that did not go so well. She had begun to blame herself immediately. The pessimistic inner voice about herself took over which included dialog that she was not good enough and other candidates must be more qualified than she was. When she looked at it through a more optimistic lens, the interview did not go well simply because it was not a good fit for either side. When it is a good fit you connect with the person your interviewing with and in return you are generally more confident and secure and you come across that way.
Follow these simple steps to change your inner voice!
Are you often your biggest critic when something does not go exactly as planned? That inner voice can be a harsh sometimes. In certain situations, I find myself thinking the worst outcome before I know what it is. When I read this article, I could really relate to this woman's experience. I could see myself in the words she she was speaking.
This author used an example of a job interview that did not go so well. She had begun to blame herself immediately. The pessimistic inner voice about herself took over which included dialog that she was not good enough and other candidates must be more qualified than she was. When she looked at it through a more optimistic lens, the interview did not go well simply because it was not a good fit for either side. When it is a good fit you connect with the person your interviewing with and in return you are generally more confident and secure and you come across that way.
Follow these simple steps to change your inner voice!
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Photos of Beautiful Bathroom Ideas!
Designer Bathrooms ~ Find Your Inspiration
Are you thinking of remodeling your bathroom and need some ideas or inspirations? Check out these beautiful bathroom designs, there are a wide range of styles to choose from to motivate and inspire you. What is your style? Click Here For Your Bathroom Inspiration!
3 Tips For Instant Bathroom Updates On A Small Budget!
Are you thinking of remodeling your bathroom and need some ideas or inspirations? Check out these beautiful bathroom designs, there are a wide range of styles to choose from to motivate and inspire you. What is your style? Click Here For Your Bathroom Inspiration!
3 Tips For Instant Bathroom Updates On A Small Budget!
- Change out your bathroom towels! Maybe you just want to change up the look in your bathroom. Every 3 to 6 months change out your hand towels or towels that you display. Mix and match the hand towels to coordinate to give it a more upscale look. For example, maybe a stripe and floral pattern together with similar colors. It will give you a new look and also allow you to change accent colors. You can interchange with your old set when you get bored. It gives it a nice little change without spending a ton of money.
- Change Your Faucets! Update your vanity faucet. By simply adding a new faucet you can change and update the whole look of your vanity for minimal money.
- Add Some Tile! This will be a little bit more of an expense. However, you could try tackling it yourself! Just by adding tile around your vanity, shower, or tub, you can create a custom look and increase value and eye appeal to your bathroom.
Happy Makeovers!
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Rejection Therapy
Do You Avoid Rejection???
Do you go out of your way to avoid rejection at the workplace? I know I am not a big fan of it myself. But what if we looked at rejection as a life lesson or as the beeping sound on our GPS that signals our next turn. After reading this article, I found this author's perspective amazing and endearing. The hard truth is what we need sometimes to hear in order to improve or perhaps realize we need to go down a different path. The next time someone critiques a writing, a project, or something you've put forth, take a step back and see if it is valid. Take time to absorb it. If after some thought you find validity in their point, learn and grow from it. If you feel it is not valid, maybe it is a sign to go a different direction towards something even bigger!
Read More About Taking Rejection Head On!
Inspirational Thought
You haven't failed until you quit trying.
Do you go out of your way to avoid rejection at the workplace? I know I am not a big fan of it myself. But what if we looked at rejection as a life lesson or as the beeping sound on our GPS that signals our next turn. After reading this article, I found this author's perspective amazing and endearing. The hard truth is what we need sometimes to hear in order to improve or perhaps realize we need to go down a different path. The next time someone critiques a writing, a project, or something you've put forth, take a step back and see if it is valid. Take time to absorb it. If after some thought you find validity in their point, learn and grow from it. If you feel it is not valid, maybe it is a sign to go a different direction towards something even bigger!
Read More About Taking Rejection Head On!
Inspirational Thought
You haven't failed until you quit trying.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Parents Must Read! New Car Seat Guidelines from the American Academy of Pediatrics
The American Academy of Pediatrics now advises parents to keep toddlers in rear-facing car seats until age two, or until they exceed the height or weight limit for the car seat, which can be found on the back of the seat.
Learn More!
Learn More!
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Give and Get is Here!
Give and Get is Here!: "Enjoy 30% off from March 17-20 at Gap, Banana Republic and Old Navy plus we'll make a 5% donation to a non-profit."
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Secrets to Toddler Discipline
How to Redirect Your Toddler...
With Twins, I am embarking on new territory every day. Now that the girls are more mobile and playful their differences are becoming more apparent. Bella is definitely more rough and rules the roost. She decides who gets what toy. Ava is more calm and submissive, much like my oldest. So, what do I do? Do I intervene or let them work it out themselves? They are 1, is that too young to step in? So I did some research and found an interesting article. It looks like I have a lot of redirecting in my future! :0) To Read the Article
With Twins, I am embarking on new territory every day. Now that the girls are more mobile and playful their differences are becoming more apparent. Bella is definitely more rough and rules the roost. She decides who gets what toy. Ava is more calm and submissive, much like my oldest. So, what do I do? Do I intervene or let them work it out themselves? They are 1, is that too young to step in? So I did some research and found an interesting article. It looks like I have a lot of redirecting in my future! :0) To Read the Article
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Jon Cryer Responds to Charlie Sheen
I had to share this clip of The Conan O'Brien with John Cryer responding to being called a troll.
Check it out!
Check it out!
They Finally Broke Me!
After surviving most of the winter fairly healthy, my kids finally broke me :) So I hope to be writing more soon, when I feel better.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Monday's Minutes for Moms
Putting Together Your Happiness Plan! ~ Ten Ways to Be Happier NOW!
Like many, especially in the late winter months, it takes a little extra effort to lift our spirits and push through to warmer days that lie ahead. I know myself, I get really itchy around this time of year waiting for spring and warmer weather. Sometimes, I even find myself gazing out the window at the bright sun wishing it was as warm outsides as it looks from the inside. Here is an article of some ideas to get your through the tale end of the winter blues. Get happier now!
In order to be happier you also need a good night sleep, right?!, Here are a few items that were reviewed by Self magazine that claimed to give you a better night sleep. Check them out!
Inspirational Thought About Joy
Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.
- Thich Nhat Hanh
Like many, especially in the late winter months, it takes a little extra effort to lift our spirits and push through to warmer days that lie ahead. I know myself, I get really itchy around this time of year waiting for spring and warmer weather. Sometimes, I even find myself gazing out the window at the bright sun wishing it was as warm outsides as it looks from the inside. Here is an article of some ideas to get your through the tale end of the winter blues. Get happier now!
In order to be happier you also need a good night sleep, right?!, Here are a few items that were reviewed by Self magazine that claimed to give you a better night sleep. Check them out!
Inspirational Thought About Joy
Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.
- Thich Nhat Hanh
Friday, March 4, 2011
Happy Friday! Great recipe to try this weekend!
Happy Friday,
I hope you all can take time out for yourselves to do something you enjoy, even if it is just a cup of coffee, ahhh!
I found this recipe that looks super tasty! Chicken with Balsamic Vinegar, Sweet Onions and Thyme
Just had to share this laughing video..just love listening to babies laugh! Baby Laughing Hysterically at Ripping Paper
I hope you all can take time out for yourselves to do something you enjoy, even if it is just a cup of coffee, ahhh!
I found this recipe that looks super tasty! Chicken with Balsamic Vinegar, Sweet Onions and Thyme
Just had to share this laughing video..just love listening to babies laugh! Baby Laughing Hysterically at Ripping Paper
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Sharing my process on starting a business blog!
My Blogging Journey Continued...
I have now just started exploring the world of hubpages. From what I have seen it is quite impressive, well organized and straightforward. All the information is easy to find. They work with affiliates I am already connected to such as Amazon and Google Adsense. I made my first hub, yeah me! I know it is corny, but I find it very empowering to be in control of my own destiny. The effort I put in is for me and my future goals not somebody else! I look forward to continuing my journey and discovering new things! Feel free to share tips and your own experiences in your journey.
Book - Starting Your Own Blogging Business
Explore Hubpages
I have now just started exploring the world of hubpages. From what I have seen it is quite impressive, well organized and straightforward. All the information is easy to find. They work with affiliates I am already connected to such as Amazon and Google Adsense. I made my first hub, yeah me! I know it is corny, but I find it very empowering to be in control of my own destiny. The effort I put in is for me and my future goals not somebody else! I look forward to continuing my journey and discovering new things! Feel free to share tips and your own experiences in your journey.
Book - Starting Your Own Blogging Business
Explore Hubpages
Monday, February 28, 2011
Monday's Minutes for Moms
Hi Everyone, Here is a little bit of fun to start your week!
What is Your Mom Personality? Take the quiz!
Hot! Most flattering non-mom jeans that are still mom-friendly! Find your style!
Today's Inspirational Quote
Your children will become what you are; so be what you want them to be
What is Your Mom Personality? Take the quiz!
Hot! Most flattering non-mom jeans that are still mom-friendly! Find your style!
Today's Inspirational Quote
Your children will become what you are; so be what you want them to be
Friday, February 25, 2011
Mom Power!
As I continue my journey of blogging, I would like to take a step back for a moment, as it is very easy to get swept up in the excitement of it all. One of the major reasons for starting a blog was to help empower other women with tips, inspirations, and resources as I go through my life experiences as a mom, wife, housekeeper, chauffeur and entrepreneur (well hope to be!). Like the blogging virgin I am, I quickly found out a lot of moms had the same idea and have come across some awesome sites! I hope to bring you the quality of some I have seen with a twist of something different. So as I continue to work on the twist, I figured I would go back to what brought me here.
So going back to the topic empowering women...the first thing I would like to share is my journey of blogging. Share the things I have learned so far in this blogosphere. First thing, IT TAKES A LOT OF WORK, as most of you know! Although extremely difficult to juggle while wearing multiple hats it is a lot easier when you enjoy what you are doing, like anything, right? So, the first thing that got me excited is this great book Starting Your Own Blogging Business
. It was very easy to understand and an excellent resource for getting started. I still use it today as a reference guide.

If you could share one tip with other bloggers what would it be?
Teaching Our Children How To Be Wowed!
I read this article and found it to be very interesting. That we need to teach our children to be wowed by the little things such as being in the park together or enjoying a simple ice cream cone (I think she has that one mastered! :0) That happiness does not come out of possessions. Continue Reading
Kid of the Year Photo Contest
Kid of the Year Photo Contest
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Mom Power ! - Blogging Tips
If you could share one blogging tip you have learned through your journey, what would it be???
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Tuesday's Coffee Talk
How to Argue Less About Money?
If you are like many couples out there, finances probably rates in the top 3 of topics to argue about. Where to save or what to cut back on, even more so in this recent economy. It wasn't until I had my twins that I started really looking at coupons and other best ways to save. Although, I probably should have been doing it sooner :0) Even at the grocery story, it is sad but never paid much attention to the price of milk or eggs etc. and always bought name brand stuff. Now I do my best to buy store brands, if it is comparable in quality. As far as saving sites, I also discovered Amazon Moms - Subscribe and Save. I save a ton of money on diapers and wipes, and item that I buy in bulk and it ships for FREE. Check out Amazon Mom
- Subscribe and Save and see for yourself!
I also found an interested article about financial balance you both can live with. Continue Reading
If you are like many couples out there, finances probably rates in the top 3 of topics to argue about. Where to save or what to cut back on, even more so in this recent economy. It wasn't until I had my twins that I started really looking at coupons and other best ways to save. Although, I probably should have been doing it sooner :0) Even at the grocery story, it is sad but never paid much attention to the price of milk or eggs etc. and always bought name brand stuff. Now I do my best to buy store brands, if it is comparable in quality. As far as saving sites, I also discovered Amazon Moms - Subscribe and Save. I save a ton of money on diapers and wipes, and item that I buy in bulk and it ships for FREE. Check out Amazon Mom
I also found an interested article about financial balance you both can live with. Continue Reading
Amazon Mom,
mom coupons,
Monday, February 21, 2011
The Best Coupon Sites for Moms!!!
mom coupons,
Monday's Minutes for Moms
How Do You Know When To Trust Your Gut???
You're faced with a difficult decision, and suddenly you feel the right answer in your gut. But while intuition may seem to arise from some mysterious inner source, it's actually a form of unconscious reasoning—one that's rooted in the way our brains collect and store information. Continue reading this interesting article!
Pick Your Perfect Getaway Sweepstakes!
Today's Inspirational Quote
Everyone's life is an object lesson to others.
- Karl G. Maeser
You're faced with a difficult decision, and suddenly you feel the right answer in your gut. But while intuition may seem to arise from some mysterious inner source, it's actually a form of unconscious reasoning—one that's rooted in the way our brains collect and store information. Continue reading this interesting article!
Pick Your Perfect Getaway Sweepstakes!
Today's Inspirational Quote
Everyone's life is an object lesson to others.
- Karl G. Maeser
Inner Voice,
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Laughing Babies
There is something about listening to babies laugh, you just can't help but to laugh too!
Baby Laughing
More Babies Laughing!
Baby Laughing
More Babies Laughing!
Friday, February 18, 2011
Deal of The Day
Product Demo - Watch as Designer Niki Meiners Demonstrates how to use Smooch Ink and Crafters Workshop Templates to make a beautifull background
Product Demo - Watch as Designer Niki Meiners Demonstrates how to use Smooch Ink and Crafters Workshop Templates to make a beautifull background
To Make the Bus or Not to Make the Bus...that is the Question?
Today We Made the Bus!
To go back in time when you are six years old, where your biggest worry is what to wear in the morning and how can I torture my parents. And every decision is so extremely difficult. I do remember trying to find that "perfect outfit", however, I do not remember worrying about it quite so young. And also don't remember torturing my parents while doing it. Some days progress so smoothly, while others not so much. Although these days are fewer, when they do occur, I think OMG, I have two more girls to get through in this lovely process of finding the "perfect outfit" and getting out the door in the morning. We are in so much trouble....
Happy Friday!
To go back in time when you are six years old, where your biggest worry is what to wear in the morning and how can I torture my parents. And every decision is so extremely difficult. I do remember trying to find that "perfect outfit", however, I do not remember worrying about it quite so young. And also don't remember torturing my parents while doing it. Some days progress so smoothly, while others not so much. Although these days are fewer, when they do occur, I think OMG, I have two more girls to get through in this lovely process of finding the "perfect outfit" and getting out the door in the morning. We are in so much trouble....
Happy Friday!
Good thing she is so darn cute! My Sofia...
Thursday, February 17, 2011
My Top Tweet Picks!
Here are some of the most interesting tweets this week!
What are you doing on Family Day? Here are 40 super-fun ideas - Learn More (Who knew there was an official family day!)
Stop overpaying for skincare! Learn More
How to beat the homework hassles with your children. Learn More
A life-changing garage makeover by Peter Walsh? Yes, please! Learn More (Not sure about life changing, but great! Life changing would be if someone did it for me, haha :0)
Jean Chatzky tell us how to evaluate a credit card offer. Learn More
Understanding your baby's cries: check out these weird & wonderful facts about crying. Learn More
Now offering $20 Amazon credit with pre-order of Xbox 360, PS3 #Bulletstorm Epic/Limited Editions. Spread the word. Learn More
What are you doing on Family Day? Here are 40 super-fun ideas - Learn More (Who knew there was an official family day!)
Stop overpaying for skincare! Learn More
How to beat the homework hassles with your children. Learn More
A life-changing garage makeover by Peter Walsh? Yes, please! Learn More (Not sure about life changing, but great! Life changing would be if someone did it for me, haha :0)
Jean Chatzky tell us how to evaluate a credit card offer. Learn More
Understanding your baby's cries: check out these weird & wonderful facts about crying. Learn More
Now offering $20 Amazon credit with pre-order of Xbox 360, PS3 #Bulletstorm Epic/Limited Editions. Spread the word. Learn More
Amazon credit,
Peter Walsh,
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
In It To Win It Wednesday!
What are you into, what is your thang?
I have been trying to get healthier and find my "thang". By my "thang", I mean something fun that involves breaking a sweat. Which for me the two do not really go together. I have been doing a meditation class but need to find something a little more rigorous. While in my search maybe I will try this workout. It only involves 3 days a week and works the abs. Read More
To help you get started or mix it up here is a sample music play list. Work Out Play List
I have been trying to get healthier and find my "thang". By my "thang", I mean something fun that involves breaking a sweat. Which for me the two do not really go together. I have been doing a meditation class but need to find something a little more rigorous. While in my search maybe I will try this workout. It only involves 3 days a week and works the abs. Read More
To help you get started or mix it up here is a sample music play list. Work Out Play List
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Tuesday's Coffee Talk
"Mommy Moments"
It is the little "mommy moments" that keep you going every day. Yes staying at home with your children, even though fortunate to be able to, can get redundant day after day. It is the little moments, like when Bella puts her head on the pillow in the living room and looks so adorable and makes me want to eat her up. Those are the moments that keep me going and make me feel blessed. Here is one of my little girls, my little Bella :0) Thought I would share a picture of Mommy and Bella!
Free coupons from your favorite brands. Click Here
It is the little "mommy moments" that keep you going every day. Yes staying at home with your children, even though fortunate to be able to, can get redundant day after day. It is the little moments, like when Bella puts her head on the pillow in the living room and looks so adorable and makes me want to eat her up. Those are the moments that keep me going and make me feel blessed. Here is one of my little girls, my little Bella :0) Thought I would share a picture of Mommy and Bella!
Mama and Bella
Enjoy your "mommy moment" :0)!
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