My Personal Overview
I just finished reading Beach Money by Jordan Adler that discusses creating your dream life using networking marketing. It is a very light read that gives you lots to walk away with. The financial freedom Jordan talks about is building Residual Income for the long-term, so at some point your business runs and grows without you. This gives you more flexibility to work when you want to. On your downtime, while you are sitting on the beach your business is still making money and growing. Keep in mind though, network marketing regardless of industry or focus, is not a get rich quick scheme. Anything that promises you that, "if it is sounds too good to be true it probably is". Network marketing for success is about building solid good relationships and that takes time to nurture and develop.
Next Week, I will be discussing more specifics about building relationships for successful newtwork marketing.
To Purchase the book:
I just finished reading Beach Money by Jordan Adler that discusses creating your dream life using networking marketing. It is a very light read that gives you lots to walk away with. The financial freedom Jordan talks about is building Residual Income for the long-term, so at some point your business runs and grows without you. This gives you more flexibility to work when you want to. On your downtime, while you are sitting on the beach your business is still making money and growing. Keep in mind though, network marketing regardless of industry or focus, is not a get rich quick scheme. Anything that promises you that, "if it is sounds too good to be true it probably is". Network marketing for success is about building solid good relationships and that takes time to nurture and develop.
Next Week, I will be discussing more specifics about building relationships for successful newtwork marketing.
To Purchase the book:
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